

Dominican Salve Regina

While some of us might know the common "Salve Regina" chant, here, I would like to let everyone in on the Dominican Salve Regina chant, also known as the "Solemn Tone" version. Here is a link to the text and music, and here is a video of Dominicans chanting their Salve. It is a tradition in the Dominicans that, after Sunday night prayer, the brothers chant the Salve in a procession, and then end with a chant to Saint Dominic, "O Lumen Ecclesiae." This chant, if you notice the beginning, is very similar to the beginning of the Sanctus from the Missa De Angelis.

1 comment:

  1. Colin you should do this for the Pater Noster sometime. I am trying to memorize that one, and a good chant link would help
