The Second Vatican Council makes it clear in Apostolicam Actuositatem that all Christians are called to holiness. The lay people, especially, have the specific task of evangelizing through their everyday lives in the world; both at work and at home. One of the great ways for lay people to more fully live their call to holiness is through becoming a lay member of a religious order. By becoming a part of a community, by realizing their own gifts through charisms, and by being rooted (being a "radical" Christian) in a tradition, lay people are more fully capable of following Christ. Each tradition has different foci which allow people with different gifts to fully utilize them. Here are some links if you are interested...
Dominican Lay Order, Western Province Lay Dominicans-Focus on evangelization and study.
Lay Franciscans-Focus on working with the poor and the ecology.
Lay Carmelites-Focus on contemplative prayer in action.
Benedictine Oblates-Focus on liturgy of the hours, study.
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