

I Don't Cry at Movies

I don't cry at movies.... unless their movies about dying saints. The movie Therese, while quite cheesy at parts, contains some wonderful moments, that, admittedly, made me choke up (that does not happen very often). I once had a very good discussion with other seminarians about the nature of art, and we all ended up saying that true art inspires virtue. I have not studied aesthetics formally, but I think this definition rings true in many cases. This movie was definitely inspiring, as it made me want to get on my knees and pray. How often does a movie do that? How often do we nurture ourselves with entertainment that is spiritual? Deo Gratias for good movies!


  1. 4 words, 3 times better than "Therese", 2 good to be true (yet it is), 1 movie:

    "Padre Pio: Miracle Man"

    Watch it.

  2. I have watched and enjoyed both, ultimately both saints were crucified. One with the stigmata and constant strife, the other in her quietness and tuberculosis. Both suffered greatly, and joined themselves to Christ through that suffering. Deo Gratias for these films and the people who inspired them!
