I read this address by Paul VI, and, I must admit, I am still grappling with it. It presents a very interesting rationale for the Ordinary Form mass, and that is that it is primarily an innovation meant to be apostolic. The Ordinary Form ought to encourage each member of the congregation to pray the mass, not merely be a spectator. I think, at this point in Church history, we may be approaching an era where both the Extraordinary Form (EF) and the Ordinary Form (OF) may be offered side by side as both encouraging prayer. Certainly the error of rubricism in the EF and the error of de-sacralization in the OF are to be addressed, but, in any form, mass deserves to be done well, with the laity assisting the priest by prayerful participation. It is wonderful to see Summorum Pontificum and Universae Ecclesiae allowing greater freedom, and the new OF English translation: these moves by the Church give the form of a great liturgical renewal. However, it is up to all of us, lay and religious, to provide the spiritual substance for this form. The kitchy elements imposed upon the OF in certain places ought to be removed, so that the focus is not an individuals or on a false sense of participation, but that the focus may be directed, as are our Christian lives, towards God the Father, through Jesus, in the Spirit.
This is a brief summary of what I interpret to be the intended direction for the liturgy of the Roman Rite:
OF- Restoration of Sacrality, remove the kitchy, the campy, and promote true participation.
EF-Wider accessibility, both in terms of being more widely offered and being more widely understood.
Here is the Paul VI article...
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